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judicial precedent 判例。

judicial proceedings

In the third part , the writer firstly is in an attempt to analyze rules of burden of proof in the importantly international conventions , namely hague rules , hague - visby rules and hamburg rules . by paying a close scrutiny on judicial precedents in different countries , the different approaches on the burden of proof in these conventions have been further stressed . under the international criticisms towards these approaches , the united states has drafted its carriage of goods by 另一方面,在各國對規則要求進行修改的呼聲中,美國已推出了1999年海上貨物運輸法草案,美國作為世界上經濟一大強國,這部法律的出臺肯定會對我國海商領域產生重大的影響,在該草案中在舉證責任方面做了許多有別于現有國際公約的規定,因此在本論文中對美國99cogsa的相關規定也做了具體評析。

Secondly , the author argues the reasonability and validity of adjudication regulations from the four aspects including the nature of private law regulations and the history of the development of private law , and as a result , the assertion of the possibility of the status of source of law of the internal regulations of contract obtains further elaboration , which have the final access to positivist jurisprudence with the subsidiary function of judicial precedent 接著從私法規范的性質、私法發展的歷史等四個方面論述了由此生成的裁判規范的合理性和正當性,從而進一步說明了主張契約內在規范法源性的可能性,并最終可以借助于判例的輔助作用提升到實定法中。

And adapt with that , the installment sales will provide a great chance to the development of ownership reservation . at present , ownership reservation has been used in practical , however , the relevant legislation are far from mature . because of this situation , we analysis some problems of ownership reservation according to country or region laws and the judicial precedent theories , expect to have some benefits for the establishment of the system of ownership reservation in china 正是在這種大背景下,且我國對所有權保留制度立法研究不足的前提下,本文考察了世界主要國家所有權保留制度的立法狀況,并結合我國實際,以買受人的期待權與出賣人的取回權為核心對所有權保留進行了權利配置,并分析了可能產生權利沖突的具體情形,并提出解決的對策。

As one of the substantial principles of legality in the contemporary law of obligation , the principle of change of circumstances adapts law to the variety of the social economy , coordinates the conflict of interests among parties and maintains the regular order of the economic circulation , therefore , this principle has been confirmed in the judicial precedents doctrines and legislation in most countries ruled by law . the principle of change of circumstances is inevitable in reality , though it has not been established in our current contract law 情事變更原則是當代債法最重要的法律原則之一,它使法律能夠適應社會經濟情況的變化,更好地協調當事人之間的利益沖突,維護了經濟流轉的正常秩序,因此已經被大多數先進法治國家的判例、學說與立法所確認。我國新《合同法》雖最終沒有確立情事變更原則,但是情事變更在現實生活中卻是難以避免的。

In modern society , with population expanding and urbanization process speeding up , the limitation of the earth ' s surface makes mankind get in urgent need of developing and utilizing space , the system of air rights has been established successively in some countries and districts , and the theory of air rights is also authorised by legislation and judicial precedent in most countries 現代社會,人口膨脹,城市化進程加劇,地表資源的有限性使得人類迫切需要對空間進行開發利用,土地空間權法律制度隨之在一些國家和地區相繼建立,空間權理論也為大多數國家立法與判例所確立。對之進行可持續發展研究有利于人類充分、有效及永續地利用土地資源。

The essay inquired into the philosophical basis , the value included and future destiny of the criminal judicial precedent , then talked over the relation among the judicial precedent , the criminal judicial precedent and judicial interpretation of criminal law , ultimately , put forward to the basic frame and external conditions of criminal judicial precedent set up thoroughly in china , through the comparative study on history , the current situation and the way of operation of criminal judicial precedent system of the continental law system country , common law system country and china 本文通過對兩大法系及中國刑事判例制度的歷史、現狀和運作方式的比較,探討了刑事判例制度的哲學基礎和價值蘊涵及未來走向,并對刑事判例制度和我國罪刑法定原則及刑事司法解釋的關系進行了討論,提出了建立我國刑事判例制度的基本框架和外部條件。

In judicial practice , there are a great deal of cases of civil disputes caused by change of circumstances , the supreme people ' s court also used to give an official and written reply on judicial precedents of change of circumstances , but until now there still lacks of legal provisions and legislative interpretations on legal principle of change of circumstances 司法實踐中,存在著大量因情勢變更而引起的民事糾紛案件,最高人民法院也曾有過關于情勢變更判例的批復,但至今缺乏對情勢變更法律原則的法律規定和立法解釋。

Part 4 , the destiny of criminal judicial precedent in the present age , which discussed the position and operation way of criminal judicial on the contemporary as a focal point , hoping to use the experience of introduction of criminal judicial precedent system in china from common law and civil law 第四部分,刑事判例的當代命運。該部分著重論述了當代兩大法系刑事判例的地位和運作方式,以期對我國刑事判例制度的引進提供借鑒。第五部分,刑事判例的認識論基礎。

Since jhering raised the theory of contracting fault liability , the countries in continental law system has generally established the theory of contracting fault liability in legislations or judicial precedents , which also affects the anglo - american law system and the uniform of legislation in international commerce . contract law in our country has accordingly stipulated as well 自耶林提出締約過失責任理論之后,大陸法系諸國家在立法或司法判例中普遍建立了締約過失責任制度,并影響到英美法系和國際商事統一立法,我國合同法也對此作了專門規定。

On one aspect , through long - term judicial precedent , the united states has been tallied up three types of liability for copyright infrigement by isps , they are direct copyright liability , contributory copyright liability , and vicarious copyright liability ; on the other aspect , title ii of the dmca adds a new section 512 to the copyright act to create five limitations on liability for copyright infringement by isps , which is called “ safe harbors ” , finding out an understanding to definitely break for the problem of beneficial equilibrium in copyright protection , which has already perplexed educational circles for a long time 在isp著作權侵權的責任類型方面,美國經過長期的司法判例實踐,總結了直接侵權責任、輔助侵權責任和替代侵權責任三種;在isp著作權侵權的責任限制方面,美國的dmca在其第二部分規定了五種“安全港” ,為長期以來困擾學界的著作權保護利益平衡問題找到了解決的突破口。

Part 7 , theoretical thinking to found criminal judicial precedent system , which presented the different view from the theory circle , analyzed the role and function of “ case “ in the judicial practice of our country , at the same time , discussed mainly three definition can be unified of the principle of the law settling the crime , judicial interpretation and criminal judicial precedent 第七部分,建立我國的刑事判例制度的理論思考。該部分介紹了理論界對刑事判例的不同觀點,分析了我國司法實踐中“案例”的角色和作用,并重點論述了刑事判例制度和罪刑法定原則及刑事司法解釋并不存在矛盾,二者是完全可以統一的。

The second chapter introduces the priority of lessee of house lease , including discusses on applications of priority in our country , notion and applying condition of lessee ’ s priority , problems concerning that priority in practice and judicial precedent , and gives writer ’ s own advices and solution 探討了優先購買權在我國的適用情況、房屋承租人優先購買權的概念及其行使的條件,最后對我國實踐和司法判例中經常就該問題出現的一些法律問題進行了探討,并提出了作者自己的觀點和解決方法。

In our country , in order to develop a perfect system of the liability for fault in a treaty through improving the theory , we should attach much importance to legislation as well as judicial precedents and theories , so the judges and jurists can take initiatives to advance the development of the system of the liability for fault in a treaty in china 在我國欲使締約過失責任理論得到進一步完善與光大,從而發展出完備締約過失責任制度,則既應注意重視立法、也要重視司法判例和學說,一讓法官與法學專家們發揮各自能動作用與積極性,來共同促進締約過失責任制度在我國的發展與繁榮。

Part 3 , the development of the criminal judicial precedent system , which observed and studied the development of the criminal judicial precedent system in the continental law system country , common law system country and china , so as to laid down the foundation for deeply knowing criminal judicial precedent of our time 第三部分,刑事判例的歷史演進。該部分考察了英美法系、大陸法系及中國刑事判例的歷史演變,為進一步認識當代的刑事判例奠定了基礎。

It plays a positive role in grasping the connection of legal norms , refraining from the contradiction between the individual case justice and overall legal order and forming an organic legal system . the unreal joint obligation is a civil law system developed from the judicial precedent theory 不真正連帶債務是指多數債務人就基于不同發生原因而偶然產生的同一內容的給付,各負全部履行之義務,并因債務人之一的履行而使全體債務人的債務均歸于消滅的債務。

Therefore , the fundamental method for standardizing the judge tailoring the law fact is to raise the judge ' s quality , perfect proof rule system , enhance the science of the material law and the procedure law and introduce the judicial precedent system 因此,提高法官的素質、完善證據規則體系、增強實體法和程序法的科學性,引入判例制度,是規范法官剪裁法律事實的根本途徑。

This has not been found easy , especially since the ordinance came into operation as recently as in 1996 , so that there have been relative little judicial precedents deciding on the interpretation of its various provisions 這其實是一件不容易的事,尤其是條例在一九九六年才開始實施,只有很少可決定條例各項條文釋義的判例可加以援引。

Part 9 , other system design related to criminal judicial precedent system , which set forth external environment condition necessary of the judicial precedent system in china so that it can really grow up 第九部分,我國刑事判例制度的相關銜接。該部分提出了創建我國刑事判例制度所需的外部環境,以使刑事判例制度得以健康成長。

Part 10 , conclusion , which summarized the whole article and put forward to judicial precedent system which would be found as a kind inevitable outcome in the course of cultural exchanges and legal system evolvement 第十部分,結論。總結全文,該部分提出刑事判例制度的確立是文化交流,法制進化的必然結果。